His majesty is mine - his_infernal_majesty

Mine his majesty is Spoiler

His Majesty's Proposal

Mine his majesty is His Majesty


Mine his majesty is University of


Mine his majesty is The Summons

Mine his majesty is The Summons

Mine his majesty is The Summons


Mine his majesty is University of

Mine his majesty is University of

Mine his majesty is His Majesty

Mine his majesty is Spoiler


He, verily, is the All-Glorious, the Most Bountiful.

  • Thus hath it been revealed in truth by Him Who is the Sovereign Revealer, the All-Knowing.

  • Great is the blessedness of that divine that hath not allowed knowledge to become a veil between him and the One Who is the Object of all knowledge, and who, when the Self-Subsisting appeared, hath turned with a beaming face towards Him.

His Majesty's Proposal

Woe betide you, O assemblage of foolish ones, and blighted be your works! Such have been the evidences of My power from the beginning that hath no beginning until the end that hath no end.

  • And how many those who subsist on the coarsest bread, who take for their only seat the grass of the field, and who undergo every manner of hardship, merely to maintain their superiority in the eyes of men! Thus doth the Lord inform you of His purpose, that haply ye may not wax proud before the One through Whom whatsoever hath been revealed from all eternity hath been confirmed.

  • Magnify My Cause and promulgate My teachings and commandments, for none other course beside this shall beseem you, and no other path shall ever lead unto Him.

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