Ijn dr mahathir - Daughter says Dr Mahathir eating more, joking at IJN

Mahathir ijn dr [UPDATED] Dr

Mahathir ijn dr Dr. Mahathir

[UPDATED] Dr Mahathir returns to IJN care amid rumours about his health

Mahathir ijn dr Dr Mahathir

Mahathir ijn dr Dr. Mahathir

Former Malaysian PM Mahathir Mohamad still receiving treatment in hospital and has interacted with family, says daughter

Mahathir ijn dr IJN

Dr. Mahathir dibenar keluar IJN hari ini

Mahathir ijn dr Dr Mahathir

tun mahathir

Mahathir ijn dr Dr Mahathir

Dr Mahathir now undergoing rehabilitative treatment at IJN

Mahathir ijn dr Dr. Mahathir

Mahathir ijn dr Dr M's

Mahathir ijn dr IJN: Dr

Dr. Mahathir masuk IJN

tun mahathir

Iskandar retaliated by pulling all Johor hockey teams out of national competitions.

  • After the 2007 operation, he suffered a chest infection.

  • Mahathir also cited protection for others to profess their own faith in the Constitution under Article 31 which states other religions can be practised freely.

Dr Mahathir admitted to IJN’s cardiac care unit

However, Hussein's decision was not easy.

  • Mahathir later declared that it was only used to lock up people accused of riots, unlawful assembly, terrorism and those who have murdered police officers.

  • The previous year, Mahathir had predicted the outbreak of racial hostility.

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