Malaysia covid world ranking - MALAYSIA Malaysia last in anti

World ranking covid malaysia Malaysia Falls

World ranking covid malaysia Malaysia Economic

M'sia ranks 3rd most innovative upper middle

World ranking covid malaysia Universities shuttered

World ranking covid malaysia Malaysia ranked

M'sia ranks 3rd most innovative upper middle

World ranking covid malaysia COVID

World ranking covid malaysia Malaysia ranks

Malaysia Improved Slightly In World Happiness Report Despite Pandemic Hardships

World ranking covid malaysia Malaysia Falls

Malaysia Ranks Dead Last In Bloomberg’s Covid Resilience Ranking

World ranking covid malaysia COMMENT

Malaysia among highest in the world in Covid cases per capita

World ranking covid malaysia Malaysia Improved

Malaysia among highest in the world in Covid cases per capita

World ranking covid malaysia Malaysia ranked

Malaysia ranks second, above UK, in Covid

You can sort the table by any of the columns by clicking on the column header.

  • This chart shows the number of daily tests per thousand people.

  • Among Asean countries, Malaysia is second after Indonesia with 48,625 cases and a four-digit hike in daily cases in the two-week period under review.

Malaysia ranks second, above UK, in Covid

We look into this question in more detail on , where we explain that this requires us to know — or estimate — the number of total cases and the final number of deaths for a given infected population.

  • It shows the Government Stringency Index — a composite measure of the strictness of policy responses.

  • A two-track pandemic is starting to emerge between advanced economies and developing nations.