Lebih mencetuskan marah, sudahlah melakukan kesalahan dengan memandu di laluan motosikal, pemandu Perodua Bezza itu kemudian bertindak dungu dengan melarikan diri.
There will be a lot of unfinished or delayed businesses by a lot of folks, so we suggest that if you need any services done by Pos Malaysia, head there early.
That is as while it did take forever to find an appointment for a date that was a month away from when I initially was making the booking, the in-person experience however of getting both my road tax and driving license renewed was perhaps the fastest and most pleasant it has ever been.
You can do so at and.
Whichever method you choose, remember, the extension only lasts until the end of this year.
Meaning, after attending the theory test they can proceed straight to the final exam.