Venezuela currency - Convert Venezuelan Bolivars (VES) to US Dollars (USD)

Currency venezuela Venezuela’s Currency

What is the currency of Venezuela today?

Currency venezuela Venezuelan bolívar

Currency venezuela Currency of

Currency venezuela Economy of

Currency venezuela Venezuela Currency

Currency venezuela Venezuelan bolívar

Currency venezuela Economy of

Venezuelan Bolivar

Currency venezuela Venezuelan Bolivar

Currency venezuela VEF to

Currency venezuela Venezuelan Bolivar

Economy of Venezuela

Venezuela Currency Revaluation

In 2001, the reverse design was changed, putting the denomination of the coin at the right of the shield of the coat of arms, Semi-Circled by the official name of the country and the year of its emission below.

  • The change in official name to República Bolivariana de Venezuela resulted in a change in the text on bank notes.

  • F 5 5,000 2007 Priodontes maximus with the plains in the background Bs.

Economy of Venezuela

The 2020-2021 National Survey of Living Conditions found that roughly 95 per cent of Venezuelans lived in poverty when looking at income levels.

  • The economy has all but imploded.

  • Désiré-Albert Barre engraved the dies.