Dr shankara chetty - Renown Indian Doctor from South Africa says the Vaccine is a Toxic Poison meant to Kill Billions of People

Shankara chetty dr For Doctors

Dr. Shankara Chetty: Spike Poison and the Covid Agenda

Shankara chetty dr Dr Shankara

Shankara chetty dr Dr Shankara

Dr. Shankara Chetty: Spike Poison and the Covid Agenda

Shankara chetty dr Doctor Gives

Shankara chetty dr Dr Shankara

Shankara chetty dr Doctor Gives

Dr. Shankara Chetty: Severe Covid Illness Is Due to An Allergic Reaction to The Spike Protein

Shankara chetty dr Renown Indian

Shankara chetty dr Dr. Chetty:

Shankara chetty dr Dr Shankara

Shankara chetty dr Dr Shankara

The 8th day protocol


Anything you say or do based on information provided in this webinar you do on your own account.

  • Thier genes have been spiked, Cainified.

  • I interrogated very carefully the day they noticed that they were feeling unwell.

Dr. Chetty: Vaccine intended to reduce the World’s Population without anyone suspecting

If a vaccinated person presents with Covid after a month or two, they appear as if they are unvaccinated.

  • Through meticulous observation he was able to discern the nature of Covid-19 as a two-phase illness with a respiratory and an allergic phase, and to develop a treatment protocol which he describes in the first part of the interview.

  • But again, I was ignored.

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