In his travels, he refuted the lazy native myth, of which 30 years later was to be articulated by scholar and public intellectual Professor Syed Hussein Alatas.
Q: bila lepasi pintu ada apa? Anwar akan berbincang kembali dengan Jawatankuasa Politik, samada usaha membawa turun kalangan Panglima B ini akan membawa kesan politik.
Sebagai seorang guru, Ibrahim Yaakob ada menulis buku bertajuk 'Nusa dan Bangsa Melayu' pada 1951.
He deserves this chance to show what he can do for his constituency.
The big difference between the first and second camp is the degree of state nationalism.
Beliau merupakan tokoh terkenal di Tanah Melayu, pelbagai tempat bersejarah diletakkan bersempena nama beliau.