Noh omar - The Rocket

Omar noh Noh Omar

Omar noh Noh Omar:

Omar noh [UPDATED] After

Noh Omar

Omar noh Noh Omar

The Blame Game

Omar noh Umno, PAS

Facilitate, don’t follow red tape

Omar noh Report: Umno’s

Facilitate, don’t follow red tape

Omar noh Noh Omar:

Noh Omar

Omar noh The Rocket

Noh Omar makes a return as one of five new faces in Cabinet

Omar noh Umno, PAS

Omar noh Noh Omar

Facilitate, don’t follow red tape

Two days ago Dec 21 , Amiruddin rubbished accusations that his administration had refused to rope in the army to assist in flood relief efforts.

  • The power-crazy Noh Omar now says that he is still the Selangor NSC chairman.

  • Retrieved 10 January 2010.

Report: Umno’s Noh Omar keen to ally with PAS to capture Selangor in GE15

Retrieved 19 June 2010.

  • He is a member of the United Malays National Organisation UMNO , a major party in the Barisan Nasional BN coalition.

  • In response to the revelation of mistreatment and protests by the , Noh stated "if foreigners think that Malaysia police are brutal, please go back to their own countries and not to stay here".