Utar convo - Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman

Convo utar Department of

UTAR continues its physical convocation with good participation from graduates and parents

Convo utar Universiti Tunku

Convo utar Universiti Tunku

UTAR Twentieth Anniversary. 20 Years of Educational Excellence and Commitment to Quality Education

Convo utar Universiti Tunku

Convo utar UTAR continues

UTAR’s March convo postponed

Convo utar Universiti Tunku

Convo utar UTAR Hospital

UTAR convocation ceremony resumes at Tun Ling Hall

Convo utar Virtual Tea

Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman

Convo utar Division of

UTAR Hospital

Convo utar UTAR Hospital

Department of Student Affairs (Kampar Campus)

Plus, having a background in research allows me to work gracefully under pressure as I am used to working under tight deadlines.

  • It was really challenging for me to continue my studies at this age, which required a lot of fieldwork.

  • In my line of work, being meticulous and analytical are important in forecasting weather, analysing the impacts of bad weather and devising precautionary steps that could be taken to alleviate them.

2022 blog.dabchy.com