R naught meaning - What do R1 and R0 Infection Rate Numbers Mean and How Do They Relate To Coronavirus?

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Naught meaning r R0 (R

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Contagion 2: The R Naught

From this data, researchers calculated a median R 0 value of 5.

  • An R0 of 2 means that each person with the disease infects two others.

  • R 0 is an indicator of the contagiousness or transmissibility of infectious and parasitic agents and represent the number of new infections estimated to stem from a single case in a population that has never seen the disease before.


Contact Rate This refers to how many people a person with the disease can be expected to come into contact with.

  • R0, pronounced R-naught, relates to the reproduction number and is used to gauge how likely the outbreak is to spread.

  • The measure allows modellers to work out the extent of the spread, but not the speed at which the infection grows.

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