These people, compared to what you have now … These people were solid people — you could not bribe them.
Tahir Abdul Rahman, ayah kepada seorang penyanyi terkenal iaitu Faizal Tahir dilaporkan telah meninggal dunia pada awal pagi tadi akibat komplikasi jantung.
Perkongsian penyanyi lagu Sampai Syurga itu mendapat perhatian pengikut dan rakan selebriti apabila turut mengucapkan takziah dan mendoakan Faizal dan ahli keluarga tabah menghadapi ujian itu.
Abdul Aziz Rahman, Datuk Mohd.
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He later obtained a Masters of Science Civil in Highway Engineering from , while working full time in California as an highway design engineer from 2001 to 2006.