Latest news on israel hamas conflict - Israel Hamas conflict: Latest News & Videos, Photos about Israel Hamas conflict

Hamas conflict news on israel latest Israel Hamas

Israel, Hamas conflict sparks protest in the city

Hamas conflict news on israel latest Israel, Hamas

Israel, Hamas, Palestine Conflict Highlights: Israeli Airstrike In Gaza Destroys Media Building

Hamas conflict news on israel latest Israel, Hamas

Israel, Hamas launch rockets, airstrikes as Gaza conflict enters second week

Hamas conflict news on israel latest Israel and

Hamas conflict news on israel latest Israel, Hamas

Hamas conflict news on israel latest Israeli FM

Hamas conflict news on israel latest Israel latest

Hamas conflict news on israel latest Israel, Hamas

Hamas conflict news on israel latest LIVE UPDATES:

Hamas conflict news on israel latest Israel and

Timeline: How the current Israel

LIVE UPDATES: Israeli warplanes rain fire on Gaza as Middle East violence intensifies

Several injured were also reported in the metropolitan area of Tel Aviv, and in Giv'atayim, east of the city.

  • Incoming aircraft have been re-routed to Ramon airport in southern Israel as Hamas launched a series of deadly rockets through the skies.

  • Over the years, Hamas has carried out shooting, bombing and rocket attacks in Israel.

Hamas likely behind the rocket fire from Lebanon to Israel. A wide

Yair Lapid made the comments following days of clashes between Israeli police and Palestinians at the contested holy site, which is revered by Jews and Muslims.

  • The violence came as some Israelis were celebrating the anniversary of their country's capture of the Old City and its eastern neighborhoods in the 1967 Six-Day War.

  • In response, Israel deployed border guards in two mixed Arab-Jewish cities that saw unrest in previous days, including the burning of a Jewish-owned restaurant and a synagogue, the fatal shooting of an Arab man and attacks on Arab-owned cars.