Dora the explorer - Dora the Explorer (TV Series 2000–2019)

The explorer dora DORA THE

Play Dora The Explorer Doras Space Adventure

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The explorer dora Free Dora

The explorer dora Free Dora

30 Dora the Explorer Sayings

The explorer dora 30 Dora

Dora the Explorer Wiki

The explorer dora Dora The

Dora the Explorer (Western Animation)

The explorer dora Dora the

Dora The Explorer Lyrics

The explorer dora Dora The

The explorer dora Free Dora

The explorer dora Dora The

Dora the Explorer coloring pages

They need to fix the hole in his balloon before the balloon dips so low that the crocs eat him! This was corrected in Season 4 where the pocket is always visible whenever she is facing left the pocket was also attached to Backpack during her segments , but it was done at a poor timing since the star catching has been reduced that season.

  • The instrumental of the theme song is also heard in the final scene, wheras it is replaced with an instrumental cue in the rest of the show.

  • In my opinion, one of the best parts of the show is the bilingual aspect.