It can vary according to the process that is going through your parcel.
Upon confirming the request for redirection to Distribution Point, a parcel will be routed to the selected Distribution Point instead of the customer's delivery address.
I ordered from Collonil in Shopee last April 3, 2022.
In the process of delivering your item to you, your package goes through a series of stages.
An easier way to track your parcel is to use the Ship24 platform.
Cara Tracking Resi ninjavan-id dari toko online adalah lihat kotak surel e-mail yang anda terima dari toko online kemudian cari kata resi, tracking number, lacak paket, tracking order berbentuk huruf dan angka yang sangat panjang lalu masukkan kode resi ninjavan-id anda kedalam kotak di atas lalu klik tombol cek.