Denmark vs wales - Wales 0

Wales denmark vs Wales vs

Euro 2020

Wales denmark vs Denmark vs.

Wales denmark vs Denmark vs.

Wales denmark vs Euro 2020

Euro 2020

Wales denmark vs Wales vs.

Euro 2020: Wales 0

Wales denmark vs Wales vs.

Wales denmark vs Euro 2020

Wales denmark vs Euro 2020

Wales denmark vs Wales vs.

Wales denmark vs Denmark vs


Wales, semi-finalists at Euro 2016 and second-placed qualifiers from Group A having taken four points from three games with Switzerland, Turkey and Italy, started brightly but faded badly after the opener and had substitute Harry Wilson sent off for a wild challenge on Maehle in the final few minutes.

  • Theo Delaney and Pierre-Emile Hojbjerg began to control the midfield with help from Andreas Christensen, and the excellent Mikkel Damsgaard began to combine dangerously with Dolberg.

  • The striker takes a touch before firing low and hard into the bottom-right corner.

Euro 2020: Wales 0

Kasper Dolberg fired the Danes ahead in the first half before notching a second following a mistake by Neco Williams after the restart.

  • Playing as equals, the latter was defeated 2-1 by Belgium.

  • Their inspired form continued on Saturday against a Wales team that reached the semifinals of Euro 2016.