Al aqsa mosque - Israeli security forces enter Al

Mosque al aqsa Israeli police,

Mosque al aqsa Why the

Mosque al aqsa Secrets under

Why the Al

Mosque al aqsa History of

Masjid al Aqsaa

Mosque al aqsa Israeli police

Mosque al aqsa Dozens hurt

Mosque al aqsa Clashes erupt

Why the Al

Mosque al aqsa play

Mosque al aqsa Why the

Mosque al aqsa Israeli police

Israeli police and Palestinians clash at al

Israel blames the violence on incitement by Hamas, and says its security forces are acting to remove rock-throwers in order to ensure freedom of worship for Jews and Muslims.

  • The same day of the attack, a Palestinian teenager stabbed and wounded a man in.

  • But, it is also important to highlight its remarkable political relevance for Palestinians.