Melon charts - Melon::음악이 필요한 순간, 멜론

Charts melon This BTS

Melon chart is dead

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Melon chart is dead

Charts melon Melon (MLN)

Charts melon BTS' 'Spring

Charts melon EXO, BTS

Melon chart is dead

Charts melon Analysing and

Melon (online music service)

Charts melon Analysing and

Charts melon EXO, BTS

These are the Top 50 longest charting idol songs in MelOn history

But yes, trot is very popular and many singers are well known.

  • Of the roughly 95 Cucurbitaceae genera, a few of them are of the most commercial and human importance.

  • So no matter how many times you stream a song, MelOn only counts one stream for it on the chart.