Sidratul muntaha - The Arsy of Allah (Sidratul Muntaha)

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The Arsy of Allah (Sidratul Muntaha)

Muntaha sidratul Sidratul muntaha

Muntaha sidratul Apa itu

Muntaha sidratul Sidra Tul

Isra' Mi^raj

Muntaha sidratul Sira: The

Muntaha sidratul Sidratul Muntaha

Muntaha sidratul Apa itu

Muntaha sidratul PurpleStride New

Muntaha sidratul Apa Itu

Muntaha sidratul The Arsy

Sidrat al

Sidratul Muntaha

A guy who has to fight the corruption that's engulfing his land.

  • O assembly of knowers! It is incumbent upon you to take the greatest care of Shoghi Effendi, the twig that hath branched from and the fruit given forth by the two hallowed and Divine Lote-Trees, that no dust of despondency and sorrow may stain his radiant nature, that day by day he may wax greater in happiness, in joy and spirituality, and may grow to become even as a fruitful tree.

  • Nabi pernah bertanya: "Wahai Jibril, sungai-sungai apakah ini? Sebuah tempat yang terkenal sebagai penghasil guci kala itu.

Hakikat Sidratul Muntaha dalam Isra Miraj, Lambang Kebijaksanaan Tertinggi Nabi SAW

Pohon ini berada di atas langit ketujuh.

  • No one can see the wisdom of this save God, the Powerful, the Precious, the Wise! Indeed every light is generated by God through the power of His behest.

  • Beliau melihat berbagai kejadian yang luar biasa.