The first avenger - Captain America: The First Avenger

Avenger the first Who Is

Avenger the first Captain America:

Avenger the first Marvel Reveals

Captain America: The First Avenger (Film)

Avenger the first Captain America:

Marvel Reveals The First Avenger Was Not Captain America

Avenger the first Captain America:

Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)

Avenger the first Marvel Reveals

Avenger the first Every Single

Avenger the first Every Single

Avenger the first Captain America:

Avenger the first Captain America:

Marvel Reveals The First Avenger Was Not Captain America

It gets even better! However, British police cars, fire engines and ambulances were fitted with bells at this point in history.

  • Even funnier as just seconds before he demonstrated to the Skull with a punch.

  • Rogers recruits Barnes, , , , , and to attack other known Hydra bases.