More than four petitions have started on the internet, and people around the globe are singing in support of her.
 However, Mr Wong does sell some factory-assembled basikal lajaks in his store.
Peguamnya, Muhammad Faizal Mokhtar berkata, notis usul kebenaran merayu dan penangguhan pelaksanaan hukuman sudah difailkan hari ini menerusi sistem e-filing mahkamah.
Yes, the law is complicated.
 However, the shop owners stressed that they would not entertain any requests to modify bicycles to make them suitable for bicycle lajak activities.
Abu Bakar dalam keputusannya berkata, perbuatan responden yang memandu cara melulu atau merbahaya menyebabkan kehilangan lapan nyawa malah kesalahan yang dilakukan responden adalah kesalahan berat.