Daryl walking dead - Norman Reedus

Dead daryl walking The Walking

‘Walking Dead’ Daryl and Carol Spinoff, Explained

Dead daryl walking ‘Walking Dead’

The Walking Dead: Who Dies In Season 11

Dead daryl walking 'the Walking

Dead daryl walking The Walking

The Walking Dead: 10 Things We Know About Leah (& What It Means For Daryl & Carol)

Dead daryl walking Here's What

Dead daryl walking The Walking

What Happened To Daryl During The Walking Dead Season 7 Premiere

Dead daryl walking The Walking

Dead daryl walking The Walking

'the Walking Dead': Norman Reedus 'Hopes' Daryl Gets Closure With Carol, Connie, Leah

Dead daryl walking Watch: Norman

'the Walking Dead': Norman Reedus 'Hopes' Daryl Gets Closure With Carol, Connie, Leah

Dead daryl walking 'The Walking

'The Walking Dead': Daryl

After the main series is complete, Daryl is set to ride off into the sunset with Carol Peletier Melissa McBride in their own spin-off series.

  • It certainly gave context to the episode's title, making this a hard one to watch without a box of tissues handy.

  • This could possibly be a contrast to his budding romance with Connie.

The Walking Dead: Darryl's Bike

That doesn't mean fans won't totally riot if that happens, though.

  • To give Daryl a love interest this late into the game, with one season left to go, makes you wonder why the show is doing it all.

  • He has acted in numerous films and television series, and modeled for various fashion designers most recognizably in the 1990s.

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