Condensed milk - 7 Genius Ways to Use a Can of Condensed Milk

Milk condensed How to

Milk condensed What to

Milk condensed Condensed Milk

Milk condensed What's the

Milk condensed Condensed Milk:

Milk condensed Condensed milk,

Milk condensed Condensed milk

Milk condensed How to

Milk condensed 7 Genius

Milk condensed Condensed Milk

This Easy Lemon Pie with Sweetened Condensed Milk Needs Just Six Ingredients

Scroll through and get inspired to take your saltines to a whole new level.

  • You can add heavy cream and additional sugar for a more luscious final product, but the process can be as simple as simmering the condensed milk on very low heat in a saucepan or over a double boiler until the liquid turns dark and thick.

  • I prefer it that way, but you could quickly lighten it up with a dollop of whipped cream on top.

30 Easy Condensed Milk Desserts

Unlike fudge, though, the texture of these is a little bit lighter.

  • Heat the mixture over medium heat, stirring continuously until combined.

  • Stir in 1β€”2tsp sea salt.