Any story behind the purchase? Although the store is still There aren't enough purchases to gauge its credibility, but you're still protected by a 7-day refund policy.
Although the store is still There aren't enough purchases to gauge its credibility, but you're still protected by a 7-day refund policy.
Although the store is still There aren't enough purchases to gauge its credibility, but you're still protected by a 7-day refund policy.
Although the store is still There aren't enough purchases to gauge its credibility, but you're still protected by a 7-day refund policy.
Although the store is still There aren't enough purchases to gauge its credibility, but you're still protected by a 7-day refund policy.
In combination with the semitransparent urethane of the parts gripping the bezel, this captures the image of the pristine habitat of the rainbow toad.