Baiah imam mahdi - 15 Tanda

Imam mahdi baiah The Promised

Imam mahdi baiah Brief Biography


Imam mahdi baiah The Belief

Munculnya Imam Mahdi Jelang Kiamat, Ini Tanda

Imam mahdi baiah Brief Biography

Imam mahdi baiah Berbaiat dengan

15 Tanda

Imam mahdi baiah Ketahui 7

Imam mahdi baiah Bagaimana Imam

Imam mahdi baiah Situs Al

Imam mahdi baiah Ketahui 7

Imam mahdi baiah Imam Mahdi

Imam Khomeini


His rule will be paradise on earth which will last for 70 years some other traditions state 7, 19, or 309 years before he dies.

  • The association of the name Muhammad with the Mahdi seems to have originated with Ibn al-Hanafiyya, who also shared the epithet Abu al-Qasim with Muhammad, the Islamic prophet.

  • The next deputy, , abolished the office on the orders of the imam just a few days before his death in 941.

Menilai Ajaran Nasser Mohamed (Al

Dan Sanadnya dinilai kuat dan shahih oleh Ibnu Katsir.

  • The Dajjal would appear and will spread corruption in the world.

  • It is often reported in authentic traditions that he will be from the progeny of Janabe Fatema Zahra s.