Phase 2 fmco - SOPS NRP

2 fmco phase Five states

2 fmco phase Mahiaddin’s plot

2 fmco phase Malaysia FMCO


2 fmco phase Penang Upgraded

SDMC: Sarawak to enter Phase 2 of National Recovery Plan on July 14, dine

2 fmco phase Five states

From MCO 1.0 till Phase 2 of PPN: Perspectives of Perakeans

2 fmco phase Official MKN

2 fmco phase National Recovery

2 fmco phase SOP Adjustments

2 fmco phase 5 States

2 fmco phase 【 FMCO

5 States Upgraded To Phase 2 Of FMCO 3.0!

Five states to enter Phase 2 of NRP on July 5

It had already been reported earlier that a full lockdown could lead to the closure of many businesses and significant job losses where the numbers could hit more than one million and trigger a higher rate of unemployment than the 5.

  • It is without a doubt that the manufacturing sector has proven to be the catalyst of growth and main source of overall economic growth during this recovery period as evident from the first quarter economic performance and also reflected in the recently announced April 2021 monthly manufacturing statistics.

  • Interstate travel for long-distance couples are allowed, only for emergency and special cases with police approval.

From MCO 1.0 till Phase 2 of PPN: Perspectives of Perakeans

One of the initiatives of Makan Nyonya Cafe in reaching out to the community during the pandemic is the provision of food and necessities to the needy on a no-questions-asked basis since November 2020.

  • Please support us by visiting our sponsors, participating in the , or.

  • Stay at home and stay safe everyone— ftnshc fatinnoraishah Do stay home, stay vigilant, practise the recommended safety and social distancing measures, and get vaccinated when possible.