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Since I had promised more stuff to be shared on my blog a few days ago, this post is dedicated to featuring some of the celebrity guests who had attended the Sinar Lebaran 2016 recording on 28 May 2016.

  • I know for a long time, our local television scene has this tendency to favour looks over talents in the name of marketability, but I think it would not hurt at all to have the more veteran ones have their day in the sun.

  • Well, I will not divulge or give you any spoilers as the only way to find out is to watch the movie.

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Though he survived, Tyler lost his entire left leg and his right arm just above the elbow.

  • From drawing people closer to you, you actually serve to alienate them.

  • I cannot describe in words why I feel this way, but if there is a reference point I can compare her to, then Sharifah Amani is the one.

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