Sarawak mco update - SDMC: MCO in Sarawak extended from June 15

Update sarawak mco SDMC: MCO

Update sarawak mco UPDATE 15/2021:

Update sarawak mco SDMC: MCO

Update sarawak mco Sarawak Energy

Sarawak expected to impose MCO for two weeks from May 29

Update sarawak mco MCO extended

Update sarawak mco Sarawak Tourism

Update sarawak mco Full

Will MCO in Sarawak see another extension after June 28?

Update sarawak mco MCO in

Sarawak Covid

Update sarawak mco Malaysia extends

Update sarawak mco Malaysian movement

Uggah to announce tomorrow if Sarawak under MCO

MCO extended until 18 February for entire Malaysia except Sarawak

All major hospitals in the state are seeing their intensive care units running at critical capacity, and cannot cope with serious Covid-19 spikes.

  • Creative industry: Sectors and activities in the creative industry are allowed to operate, in compliance with the industry SOPs.

  • Physical distancing, mandatory wearing of face masks, and compliance with the relevant MICE SOPs are required.

Latest Sarawak MCO SOPs from 29 May 2021

Malaysia currently has a total of 219,173 positive cases and 770 deaths as of yesterday.

  • Customers with body temperatures above 37.

  • Uggah said federal minister Khairy Jamaluddin will be coming to Kuching tomorrow to look into the ongoing vaccination exercise and help Sarawak speed up its immunisation drive.