Salamander fish - Salamander fish

Fish salamander Salamanders

17 Astonishing Axolotl (Mexican Walking Fish) Facts

Fish salamander Salamander

8 Best Pet Salamander & Newt Species (With Pictures)

Fish salamander Salamander fish

Fish salamander What do

Salamander fish

Fish salamander 17 Astonishing

Shasta Salamander

Fish salamander Lepidogalaxias

The Salamanders

Fish salamander Salamanders

Salamander fish

Fish salamander All About

Salamander fish

Fish salamander Salamander fish

Fish salamander Keeping and

Will salamanders eat fish? Explained by Mini Experience

Some experts recommend using commercially bottled spring not distilled water for housing amphibians.

  • The green salamander appears to prefer only sandstone outcroppings of a particular geological formation in Pennsylvania, in areas that are damp, but not necessarily wet.

  • The best way to prevent the accumulation of ammonia is to use adequate filtration and replace the water.


The larvae, and the adults of some highly aquatic species, also have a organ, similar to that of fish, which can detect changes in water pressure.

  • Our experts have done a research to get accurate and detailed answers for you.

  • Most salamanders have five toes on the rear pair of feet.