Fierce comparative adjective - Grammar: two

Comparative adjective fierce ELT Concourse:

Comparative adjective fierce Year 3

Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives: English Grammar

Comparative adjective fierce How to

ELT Concourse: the essential guide to adjectives

Comparative adjective fierce Spanish Comparatives

Comparative adjective fierce What does

100 Adjectives, Comparatives and Superlatives List

Comparative adjective fierce List of

Spanish Comparatives And Superlatives Of Adjectives

Comparative adjective fierce Fierce Definition

How to Teach ESL students to use comparative adjectives

Comparative adjective fierce What does

Comparative adjective fierce Test English

Comparative adjective fierce ELT Concourse:

Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives: English Grammar

See the guide to gradability, linked in the list at the end, for more.

  • We use comparative adjectives when talking about two things not three or more things.

  • These alternative words are much better to use it also helps to have synonyms in your vocabulary.