Hornbill in malay - 3D printed beak saves hornbill in US zoo suffering from skin cancer

Malay hornbill in The traditional

Seizure in Kuala Lumpur International Airport uncovers Southeast Asian live hornbill trade

Malay hornbill in Are There

Animals in Malaysia

Malay hornbill in Protecting Hornbills

Malay hornbill in Things you

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Malay hornbill in Traditional Dance

Malay hornbill in Things you

Malay hornbill in Conservation of

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Malay hornbill in 25 Best

Malay hornbill in Rhinoceros hornbill

Seizure in Kuala Lumpur International Airport uncovers Southeast Asian live hornbill trade

Into the World of Hornbills

I believe that apart from increasing research to infer ecological information of the hornbills, more awareness activities should be carried out through socio-cultural studies, especially with the local communities that have significant cultural relation with these species.

  • Being secondary hole-nesters, hornbills do not create tree cavities Chuailua et al.

  • Once these nests are located, the team can appoint local people to monitor and protect these nests.

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