Tuvalu - Tuvalu News

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'One day we'll disappear': Tuvalu's sinking islands

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Tuvalu News

Toaripi Lauti became the first on 1 October 1978, when Tuvalu became an independent nation.

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  • Tuvalu has been growing, both in size and population, as the earth has modestly warmed.

Tuvalu: All you need to know

In 1568, Spanish navigator became the first European to sail through the archipelago, sighting the island of during an expedition he was making in search of.

  • Westerly gales and heavy rain are the predominant weather conditions from October to March, the period that is known as Tau-o-lalo, with tropical temperatures moderated by easterly winds from April to November.

  • The feasibility of wind power generation will be considered.

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