Gaza - Clashes erupt in Jerusalem, Israel responds to Gaza rockets with airstrikes

Gaza What is

Gaza Israel reopens

Gaza Why Israel

Israeli PM Naftali Bennett says security decisions taken in Jerusalem and Gaza are 'not political'

Gaza Gaza Strip

Why Israel and Palestine are fighting in Gaza: They’re stuck in a cycle of conflict

Gaza Bible Map:

Gaza Strip

Gaza Why Israel

Gaza What is

Gaza Ancient goddess

Getting into Gaza

Gaza Israel steps

Getting into Gaza

Gaza What is

Clashes erupt in Jerusalem, Israel responds to Gaza rockets with airstrikes

They cannot come and go freely, and have to build tunnels to smuggle in the necessities of life.

  • Originally, the Avvites lived in Gaza, but the Caphtorites displaced them and settled in the city Deuteronomy 2:23.

  • One of the biggest issues has been building materials.

Why Israel and Palestine are fighting in Gaza: They’re stuck in a cycle of conflict

Much of the modern city is built along the plain below the hill, especially to the north and east, forming Gaza's suburbs.

  • Israel rebuffed many cease-fire calls but later declared a cease fire although Hamas vowed to fight on.

  • Israel states that it does not exercise effective control or authority over any land or institutions in the Gaza Strip and thus the Gaza Strip is no longer subject to the former.