Chunghua eschool - Chung Hua Middle School No. 1

Eschool chunghua 中正中学 Chung

Eschool chunghua Chung Hua

Chung Hua Middle School, Kuala Belait, Brunei Darussalam

Eschool chunghua Chung Hua

School History

Eschool chunghua 中正中学 Chung

Eschool chunghua My Life

Chung Hua University

Eschool chunghua Chung Hua

中正中学 Chung Ching Middle School

Eschool chunghua Chung Hua

Chung Hua Middle School No.1

Eschool chunghua Chung Hua

Eschool chunghua Chung Hua

School History

Eschool chunghua Wikizero

Chung Hua Middle School No.1

Chung Hua Middle School No. 1

The girls all chose the flute while the boys selected the bugle, cymbal and drums.

  • .

  • I'm very puas hati I get this result lo, but actually I aim 5 A 2B want la, but who care's bout it.


With its conversion into a community school, it gained the support of Chinese nationals whose financial and moral support paved the way for the school's growth.

  • In return we Chinese school students were often stereotyped by Malay and English school students as close-minded recluse who are hardcore in Maths and Science, but hopeless when stringing together a proper English sentence.

  • And this is my first comment here as I am always a silence-reader of kennysia.