Female 中文 意思 - female的中文意思

意思 female 中文 the female

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意思 female 中文 潮吹


意思 female 中文 潮吹


意思 female 中文 残割女性生殖器


意思 female 中文 female中文, female是什麼意思:女性的…

意思 female 中文 female的中文意思

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意思 female 中文 female是什么意思_female的翻译_音标_读音_用法_例句_爱词霸在线词典


Female ejaculation: Myths and reality.

  • Does female ejaculation serve an antimicrobial purpose?.

  • This shift in emphasis has helped redefine the issues from a clinical disease model hence the terminology of eradication prevalent in the literature to a problem resulting from the use of culture to protect social dominance over women's bodies by the patriarchal hierarchy.

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