Dang shen - Dang Shen

Shen dang Cooking &

Shen dang Dan Shen

Dang Shen (Codonopsis pilosula)

Shen dang Super Health

Shen dang Danshen Uses,

Shen dang Codonopsis health

Shen dang Codonopsis roots

Dang Shen (Codonopsis pilosula)

Shen dang Health Benefits

Chinese plant dang shen relieves COPD symptoms

Shen dang Dan Shen

Poor Man's Ginseng or Dang Shen Herb Uses and Health Benefits

Shen dang Dang Shen

Danshen Uses, Benefits & Side Effects

Shen dang Super Health

Dang Shen

Clinical Overview Use Danshen has been used extensively in traditional Chinese medicine as a single herb and in multiherb formulations.

  • It is given to those who find ginseng too strong a tonic and is used interchangeably with ginseng in Chinese herbal formulas.

  • A survey of the genus codonopsis.


Yes you can reach him now odeyabangherbalhome gmail.

  • Compounds found in Dang Shen ginseng, retard the production of fibrin, forestalling blood clot formation.

  • Side Effects Adverse reactions appear to be limited to allergy, dizziness, headache, mild intestinal symptoms, and reversible changes in blood cell counts.

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