Aura meaning - AURA

Meaning aura Quiz: What

Meaning aura Aura Colors

Aura Colors & Their Meanings: How To Interpret Your Aura

Meaning aura Aura

Meaning aura AURA

Guide to Auras: Aura Reading, Aura Healing & Color Meanings

Meaning aura Aura Definition

Auras 101: Aura Meaning, Colors, and Cleansing Techniques

Meaning aura Guide to

Meaning aura Aura Colors

Meaning aura AURA

Aura Colors Meaning Chart

Meaning aura Aura Definition

Meaning aura What Does


National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke.

  • As creative individuals, they enjoy doing art, writing and music and are often gifted people who find it easy to pick up new skills.

  • We could call the aura an energetic residue because it is evidence of life pulsing through the biological systems of plants, animals and humans.

Your Aura Colors

People who have become highly sensitive due to any reason have an aura of this colour.

  • It is a sensitive, compassionate aura, that of a healer or a therapist.

  • From complimenting a friend to leaving baked goods for a neighbor to making a long overdue visit to a family member, committing a random act of kindness can put a real spring in your step.