Carnation flower - History and Meaning of Carnations

Flower carnation Carnation Flower

Flower carnation Carnation Flower

Carnations Flowers & Bouquets Delivered

Flower carnation Garden Guides

Flower carnation Carnations: Types,

Carnations Flowers & Bouquets Delivered

Flower carnation Growing Carnations

Flower carnation Carnations

Carnation Flower Information

Flower carnation Dianthus caryophyllus

History and Meaning of Carnations

Flower carnation Growing Carnations

Carnation Flower Information

Flower carnation How to

Flower carnation How to


This picture-perfect floral tribute boasts a basket brimming with white oriental lilies, green carnations, white roses, freesia, and chamelaucium — all of which complement one and other.

  • Border carnation cultivars on the other hand often showcase double flowers, brandishing an impressive 40 petals.

  • Edible Today, edible flowers are a popular addition to fine dining.

Carnation Flower Meaning

Those who grow carnations on a regular basis will know how important it is to pinch, stop and prune blooms.

  • In communist and in in times of the , carnations were traditionally given to women on the widely celebrated , together with commodities that were difficult to obtain due to the countries' communist system, such as , towels, and.

  • Whether you are a passionate gardener or simply seeking some advice on the perfect flowers to give to someone, these are an excellent choice! They are also worn in corsages and boutonnieres for prom and other special events.