Coital alignment technique - Have Expert Orgasms with the Coital Alignment Technique

Alignment technique coital Coital

Alignment technique coital Why the

Alignment technique coital How to

Alignment technique coital Coital alignment

Alignment technique coital Best Sex

How to Do The Coital Alignment Technique (CAT) Sex Position

Alignment technique coital How to

Alignment technique coital 8 Tips

Best Sex Positions That Stimulate Clitoris for Orgasms

Alignment technique coital Coital alignment

Coital alignment technique

Alignment technique coital CAT Scratch

Alignment technique coital How to

Sex Positions You’ve Gotta Try for Mind

I Tried the Coital Alignment Technique From Netflix’s ‘Sex/Life’

Watching your hands explore what basically amounts to an outward manifestation of his ego is a sexual experience in and of itself.

  • It was a little awkward at first because I've never felt his penis at that angle, but once we got it down, we really got into it.

  • As a result, the up and down rocking movement will constantly stimulate the clitoris and effectively help his partner reach orgasm quickly.