All the non-believers want to devour us Muslims, want to destroy Islam.
In fact, every Sunday, I sat with him listening to the church sermon on the BBC because both of us love listening to church hymns and music.
Dia berkata ceramahnya itu bukan saja ditujukan kepada orang bukan Islam yang anti-Islam, tetapi juga kepada orang yang mengisytiharkan dirinya Muslim tetapi melanggar ajarannya seperti terlibat dalam kegiatan pengganas.
He also proposed for policymakers to quickly introduce laws that would outlaw religious and racial hate in the country besides telling the National Unity Minister Datuk Halimah Mohamed Sadique to step down for doing a supposedly poor job.
Society for Rights of Indigenous Peoples of Sarawak Scrips secretary-general Michael Jok said that the preacher appears bent on inciting hatred and even violence with his shockingly extreme accusations.
Shashi Kumar says there are more such videos featuring Syakir Nasoha making disparaging remarks about other religions.