Cucu in english - B&B il cucu

English cucu in Urban Dictionary:


English cucu in cuckoo


English cucu in Cucu cicit

English cucu in cucu translation

Cuckoo Definition & Meaning

English cucu in How to

English cucu in What does

English cucu in Cuckoo Definition

What does cucu mean?

English cucu in B&B il

English cucu in Cucu cicit

English cucu in Camilo &

Coco (folklore)

In the village of Ponte, parish of Mouçós, on a hill that overlooks the River Corgo, there is a chapel called Santo Cabeço which legend says was built by the mouros encantados.

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  • With Reverso you can find the French translation, definition or synonym for cucu and thousands of other words.


While the Pão-por-Deus or Santoro is the bread or offering given to the souls of the dead, the Molete or Samagaio is the bread or offering that is given when a child is born.

  • The word coco is used in colloquial speech to refer to the in Spanish.

  • Cette fiîn aurait été cucu, je pense.