Jade cutter - Genshin Impact: Primordial Jade Cutter

Cutter jade Before I

Cutter jade Before I

Cutter jade Primordial Jade

Cutter jade Primordial Jade

Cutter jade Genshin Impact:

Cutter jade Primordial Jade

Cutter jade Genshin Impact:


Cutter jade Jade Carver

Cutter jade Genshin Impact

Jade Cutter

Cutter jade Genshin Impact:

Jade Cutter

Best characters for Primordial Jade Cutter in Genshin Impact 2.5

But the inexorable gears of destiny would drown out those compassionate words.

  • The players need to hit the dandelions with Anemo magic for it to drop the dandelion seed.

  • Primordial Jade Cutter is an event exclusive 5 Star weapon and this means that the only way to obtain this weapon is by wishing on a banner which features this weapon.

Mistplitter for Ayato or Ayaka? Currently I have Jade Cutter on Ayaka, but sinxe I got the Mistsplitter, should I give that to her instead? : Genshin_Impact

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  • In the passing of many long years, many became mortal foes who once made merry together, While those who betrayed one another or fought to the death would come to share a drink, their hatred dispelled.

  • In the passing of many long years, many became mortal foes who once made merry together, While those who betrayed one another or fought to the death would come to share a drink, their hatred dispelled.

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