Then organise in Endnote subfolders so each reviewer has their randomly allocated papers for Phase 2 in a separate folder on Endnote.
Chloe Forte is a PhD student in the Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, University of Limerick.
My step-by-step guide for using Rayyan for screening papers with multiple reviewers Phase 1 — Title and abstract screening Setting Up 1.
Thunderous cheers, applause and prayers erupted from hundreds of onlookers as medics carried the boy, Rayan Oram, on a red stretcher through a cordon of Moroccan police and soldiers to a waiting ambulance.
Unfortunately, reasons created by one reviewer will not be available to all reviewers, so each reviewer will need to enter reasons as they screen.
So feel free to fill out the form on the right or email or tweet me directly via my contact info below.