Semenanjung gaza - WINTER 4 GAZA 2021

Gaza semenanjung Israel lancar

Israel merancang serangan darat atas Gaza?

Gaza semenanjung RM2.1 bilion

Jet & Helikopter Israel Menyerang Semenanjung Gaza Sebagai Membalas Serangan Roket

Gaza semenanjung Latihan Penyuntingan

Hospital Aman Palestin, Gaza

Gaza semenanjung Hospital Aman

Gaza semenanjung WAKAF PEMBINAAN

Gaza semenanjung BERNAMA

[VIDEO] Israel lancar roket ke arah Semenanjung Gaza

Gaza semenanjung Israel lancar

Gaza semenanjung WINTER 4

Gaza semenanjung Jet &

Gaza semenanjung Jalur Gaza

Genting Gaza

Genting Gaza

Fatah fighters stormed a Hamas-affiliated university in the Gaza Strip.

  • The Palestinian president said he had recommended previously the sealing or destruction of the tunnels by flooding them and then punishing the owners of the homes that contained entrances to the tunnels, including demolishing their homes.

  • One of the biggest issues has been building materials.

Jalur Gaza

Ikuti kami di media sosial : Facebook : bernamaofficial, bernamatv, bernamaradio Twitter : bernama.

  • The movement has clashed with Hamas on a number of occasions.

  • It has been placed under an Israeli and US-led international economic and political boycott from that time onwards.