Mira oden - Judge denies new trial for Gadsden piano store owner convicted of theft

Oden mira Tour Odéon

Tour Odéon

Oden mira Current six(strongest

Oden mira Judge denies

Oden mira Iron Druid

Oden mira Myra Oden

Oden mira Judge denies

The Change in Me

Oden mira Judge denies

Myra Oden

Oden mira Tour Odéon

Oden mira Kurozumi Kanjuro

Change in Liar to Myself (TV Episode 2021)

Oden mira Current six(strongest

The Change in Me

Having failed to reach Zou, Kin'emon and Kanjuro returned to the and decided to wait until the next day.

  • He was even willing to be executed with them due to his desire for death.

  • Furthermore, Kanjuro hid his powers' more potent usages from the Kozuki Family, such as generating ink from his hair to create a rain of hardened ink droplets.

Tour Odéon

On the way back to Oden Castle, Inuarashi and Nekomamushi were captured by the shogun's forces and Denjiro and Ashura split from the group to fight their enemies.

  • However, even after Kanjuro attempted a second time to disguise as Oden, which led the Kiku to once again drop her guard as she could not bring herself to harm their savior despite knowing it was a fake, Kin'emon still shed tears when he was forced to strike down Kanjuro a second time.

  • However, until revealing his plot prior to the raid on , he was considered to be a trusted servant who was respected by his master and his fellow retainers.

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