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Tuntutan desak kemerdekaan demi kepentingan Sarawak, kata aktivis

Lee shan voon VOON LEE

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Although there was a near-complete isolation by most countries in the world and from the Commonwealth and the United Nations, Rhodesia survived.

  • In addition, Sarawakians were also not happy with Gabungan Parti Sarawak GPS due to its old baggage, a legacy from the BN era.

  • Its president Voon Lee Shan said it would be too dangerous for an election to be held soon because the risk of Covid-19 spread is too high.

Parti Bumi Kenyalang

KUCHING: Parti Bumi Kenyalang PBK president Voon Lee Shan was called in by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission MACC to assist in investigations, the agency confirms.

  • Maybe with the same premises, an Indian Cultural School should also be set up to cater for our Indian community.

  • Malaya had also failed to provide proper infrastructure, such as not properly providing medical care, neglecting schools and failing to properly build and complete the Pan Borneo Highway for the past 57 years.

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