Sylvie marvel - The importance of being Sylvie, a Loki unlike any other, who named herself

Marvel sylvie Artboard 1

Marvel sylvie The importance

Sylvie (Marvel Cinematic Universe)

Marvel sylvie Sylvie Actor

Marvel sylvie The importance

Marvel sylvie Who is

Marvel sylvie 'Loki' Easter

Marvel sylvie 'Loki' Easter

Who Is Sylvie In Marvel Comics?

Marvel sylvie Loki (Marvel

Marvel sylvie The importance

Marvel sylvie Loki Star

Loki Star Addresses Sylvie's Future in the Marvel Cinematic Universe

Her teammates attempted to find a cure, and she eventually recovered by unknown means.

  • While that doesn't change the rules of engagement for Loki in that instant, the challenge of Sylvie adds new dimensions to his mission.

  • Sylvie falls down to the ground, instantly regretting her decision.