Large frogmouth - Large Frogmouth (Batrachostomus auritus)

Frogmouth large Large Frogmouth

Frogmouth large Biology:Large frogmouth

Large Frogmouth : Geographic range

Frogmouth large Large Frogmouth

Frogmouth large What is

32 Tawny Frogmouth Facts: Cute and Camouflaged (Podargus strigoides)

Frogmouth large What is

Dulit Frogmouth

Frogmouth large Dulit Frogmouth


Biology:Large frogmouth

Frogmouth large Large frogmouth

Frogmouth large Meet the

Philippine frogmouth

Frogmouth large Batrachostomus auritus

Large Frogmouth : Geographic range

Baby birds look ridiculous, regardless of the species, but frogmouth chicks are a whole other level of hilarious.

  • What's Bush Heritage doing? Their beaks are large and wide, hence the name frogmouth.

  • Frogmouths have been around for a long time; genetic analysis suggests that the three genera within the frogmouth family diverged from one another between 30 and 40 million years ago.