Juz 27 - Bacaan Al Quran Juz 27 Latin

27 juz Al

27 juz Juz' 27

27 juz Juz' 27

27 juz Juz' 27


27 juz An

27 juz Quran: Juz


27 juz Quran

Reflection on Juz’ 27 by Aminah Al

27 juz Juz' 27

27 juz Juz 27

27 juz Al Quran

Learn Quran online with Tajweed Juz 27

Oleh karena itu, menghadapinya harus jelas apa yang hendak kita bicarakan dan sebaiknya sudah berjalan dan terencana.

  • He is Best Aware of him who wardeth off evil.

  • Gardens from beneath which rivers run, eternally abiding therein; it is that which is the tremendous triumph.


So do not put your souls in the clear do not assert that you have cleansed your souls.

  • He knows what penetrates into the earth and what emerges from it and what descends from the heaven and what ascends therein; and He is with you wherever you are.

  • Surah Al Qamar dimulai dari ayat 1 sampai ayat 55, total 55 yang merujuk pada surah Ar Rahmaan yang ada pada 27 sendiri.

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