Delta variant in malaysia - Tally for Delta variant cases nearly doubles in a week

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In malaysia variant delta Variants of

[UPDATED] Malaysia now battling new Covid

Nearly 50 cases of the Delta variant detected in Malaysia as of Thursday (Nov 11)

Asked to comment on the possibility that the actual number of Covid-19 cases today could be triple the ones reported, Dr Chong merely said that the approach taken by the ministry is to implement targeted testing, especially on those with symptoms.

  • By late July, it had also driven an increase in daily infections in parts of , the , , and.

  • It is thought to be one of the most transmissible respiratory viruses known.


Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report.

  • Virulence See also: A few early studies suggest the Delta variant causes more severe illness than other strains.

  • From October to December 2020, its doubled every 6.