Mukah centex Utama

Mukah centex CENTEXS hanya

Mukah centex Sejarah

Mukah centex Centexs Mukah

Centre of Technical Excellence (CENTEXS)

Mukah centex Centexs Lundu

CENTEXS Mukah beroperasi tahun ini

Mukah centex Centexs Dalat

Mukah centex Centre of

Mukah centex Centexs Lundu

Mukah centex Another milestone

Mukah centex Centexs launches

Abang Johari tiada masalah dengan barisan Kabinet baharu

It will provide training in various programmes related to oil and gas and palm and agriculture industry.

  • Pada majlis perasmian pusat tersebut hari ini, beliau berkata pendekatan itu bakal melahirkan golongan graduan yang berfikiran global.

  • This is according to Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Tun Openg who said Centexs in Dalat will be one of the institutes in Mukah focussing on technology especially in chemistry and physics which are important in development.

Proposed Development For Centre of Technical Excellence Sarawak (CENTEXS) Dalat Campus, Mukah Division, Sarawak

Turut hadir Menteri Pendidikan, Sains Dan Teknologi Dato Sri Michael Manyin dan Pengerusi Centexs Tan Sri Mohd Morshidi Abdul Ghani.

  • On a cultural aspect and to revive the dying art of textiles, the centre also provides courses on making Malay songket and Keringam.

  • The labourers and harvesters could not go out.

2022 blog.dabchy.com